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Your Bone Health


Image result for bone density graph“Osteoporosis occurs when bones lose minerals, such as calcium, more quickly than the body can replace them, causing a loss of bone thickness (bone density or mass).”

Bone mineral density

At what age is our bone mineral density (BMD) at its peak? As can be seen in the graph at the beginning of this page, one can note that:

  • The peak BMD for men occurs around 25
  • The peak BMD for women occurs around 25-30
  • Both then drop steadily until the 50s where there is the greatest drop

What is osteoporosis?

Did you know that 10% of the Australian population is affected by osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a bone disease whereby the body loses too much bone or makes too little bone. This can lead to fractures, which are complete breakages of bones. As we lose bone mineral density, our bones become thinner and less dense. A bump or a fall could result in a significant injury, and at times, a fracture.

What’s the secret in helping osteoporosis?

  1. Exercise, exercise and exercise!!
  2. Balanced diet rich in calcium and vitamin D
  3. Medications if required

Evidence has shown that resistance training can help increase the load that go through the bones. This leads to more osteoblastic activity (bone-laying).

Some examples of the exercise you can do are:

Table adopted from Osteoporosis Australia. Non-osteogenic exercises may have low to no osteogenic benefits but offer other health benefits.

The exercises outlined above are osteogenic, which means that they help with bone development.

Physiotherapists can help you with determining the best exercise for you. Contact us today to help you develop a program, and get moving!


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