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What Is Clinical Pilates?

Clinical Pilates is a tailored and individualised form of exercise rehabilitation practiced by a physiotherapist. At MPA, your physiotherapist will firstly conduct a thorough assessment of your body and understand your needs and goals you would like to achieve. You physiotherapist will then assess the alignment of your posture, and three important aspects of your body to determine the level of your bodies health. These are assessing the function of your muscles, your joints, and the nerves of your body. By performing a thorough assessment, your physiotherapist can then tailor a specific set of Pilates exercises dedicated for your body.

Will I Benefit From Clinical Pilates?

Everyone can benefit from Clinical Pilates. Whether you have headaches, postural issues from using the computer, low back pain, knee surgery, shoulder pain, or other musculoskeletal conditions, you will highly benefit from Clinical Pilates.

There are huge benefits from performing clinical Pilates. If you are prescribed with a tailor-made program specific for your body, it can help improve your posture, increase core stability, correct muscle, joint and neural imbalances, and to help prevent and protect you from your injuries.

What Is Included In Clinical Pilates?

Here’s what’s included during your Clinical Pilates.

  • 1 on 1 session
  • Your private physiotherapist
  • Tailor-made Pilates exercises
  • Reformer Pilates machine
  • Mat Work Pilates
  • Gym ball

Things I Need To Know About Clinical Pilates

Clinical Pilates is directed by a qualified physiotherapist who has undergone further training in the field of Pilates. Clinical Pilates is primarily used to help injuries or any musculoskeletal conditions. Standard Pilates is usually run by a personal trainer and primarily used to improve health and fitness levels.

Traditional Pilates is usually done on a mat. Reformer machines are an extra feature we use at our clinic. This machine will enable your physiotherapist to prescribe you with various different forms of exercises to further help improve injuries or musculoskeletal conditions you may have.

If you are having a Clinical Pilates session, all you will need to bring is your towel, a water bottle, clothing suitable to exercise in, as well as non-slip socks. If you don’t have non-slip socks, don’t worry as we can supply these for you.

Clinical Pilates and gyms are both a great tool to improve the health of your body. In order to understand what might be best for you is to see a physiotherapist to thoroughly assess your body and the goals you are wanting to achieve. Based on the information supplied, your physiotherapist can then determine what type of exercise would be best for your condition, whether it be Clinical Pilates or going to the gym.

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