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Pilates Side Lying Series

Perform your specific Pilates exercises given to you. The more you do the better you will become. Aim for 10-20 repetition daily You should not feel any pain with these exercises. If pain persists consult your physiotherapist. Great work! You are now on your way to recovery. Please answer the questions on the sheet given by your physiotherapist and bring that to your next treatment session.

1. Clam (Level 1)

Works: Buttocks – Gluteus Medius Prepare: Tzone on, neutral spine. Lying on side. Knees together and bent forwards, heels together inline with hips and shoulder. Head relaxed on shoulder. Create a small space under the waist. Roll the top hip slightly forwards and keep it forwards. Exhale: Squeeze the top buttock and slowly raise the top knee keeping the feet together. Make sure the hips are still and do not rock backwards. Inhale: Bring the knees together

Clam (Level 1) Clam (Level 1)

2. Clam (Level 2)

Works: Buttocks – Gluteus Medius Prepare: Tzone on, neutral spine. Lying on side. Knees together and bent forwards, heels together inline with hips and shoulder. Head relaxed on shoulder. Create a small space under the waist. Roll the top hip slightly forwards and keep it forwards. Feet up in the air. Exhale: Squeeze the top buttock and slowly raise the top knee keeping the feet together. Make sure the hips are still and do not rock backwards. Inhale: Bring the knees together.

Clam (Level 2) Clam (Level 2)


3.Clam (level 3)

Works: Buttocks – Gluteus Medius and Quadratus Femoris Prepare: Tzone on, neutral spine. Lying on side. Knees together and bent forwards to the chest so the hips and knees are bent at 90 degrees, heels together. Head relaxed on shoulder. Create a small space under the waist. Roll the top hip slightly forwards and keep it forwards. Exhale: Squeeze the top buttock and slowly raise the top knee keeping the feet together. Make sure the hips are still and do not rock backwards. Inhale: Bring the knees together.

Clam (Level 3) Clam (Level 3)

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4. Clam Kickout (Level 1)

Works: Buttocks – Gluteus Medius Prepare: Tzone on, neutral spine. Lying on side. Knees together and bent forwards, heels together inline with hips and shoulder. Head relaxed on shoulder. Create a small space under the waist. Roll the top hip slightly forwards and keep it forwards. Inhale:Squeeze the top buttock and slowly raise the top knee keeping the feet together. Make sure the hips are still and do not rock backwards. Exhale: Extend the leg out straight inline with the body Inhale: Bring the feet back together keeping the top knee up high Exhale: Bring the knees together

Clam Kickout (Level 1)Start position

Clam Kickout (Level 1)Inhale open the knee Clam Kickout (Level 1)Exhale extend the leg
Clam Kickout (Level 1)Inhale feet back together Clam Kickout (Level 1)Exhale knee back together

5. Clam Kickout (Level 2)

Works: Buttocks – Gluteus Medius Prepare: Tzone on, neutral spine. Lying on side. Knees together and bent forwards, heels together inline with hips and shoulder. Head relaxed on shoulder. Create a small space under the waist. Roll the top hip slightly forwards and keep it forwards. Feet up in the air Inhale: Squeeze the top buttock and slowly raise the top knee keeping the feet together. Make sure the hips are still and do not rock backwards. Exhale: Extend the leg out straight inline with the body Inhale: Bring the feet back together keeping the top knee up high Exhale: Bring the knees together

Clam Kickout (Level 2)Start position

Clam Kickout (Level 2)Inhale open the knee Clam Kickout (Level 2)Exhale extend the leg
Clam Kickout (Level 2)Inhale feet back together Clam Kickout (Level 2)Exhale knees back together

6. Clam Kickout (Level 3)

Works: Buttocks – Gluteus Medius and Quadratus Femoris Prepare: Tzone on, neutral spine. Lying on side. Knees together and bent forwards to the chest so the hips and knees are bent at 90 degrees, heels together. Head relaxed on shoulder. Create a small space under the waist. Roll the top hip slightly forwards and keep it forwards. Exhale: Squeeze the top buttock separating the knee and heel parallel to the ground Inhale: Bring the knees and ankle together

Clam Kickout (Level 3) Clam Kickout (Level 3)

7. Circles

Works: Entire buttocks Prepare: Tzone on, neutral spine. Lying on side. Legs straight inline with hips and shoulder. Head relaxed on shoulder. Create a small space under the waist. Roll the top hip slightly forwards and keep it forwards. Take the top leg up in line with the body at hip height or higher if able, toes pointed. Exhale: For 5 circles Inhale: For 5 circles

Circles Circles

8. Hot Potato

Works: Buttocks, particularly gluteus minimus Prepare: Tzone on, neutral spine. Lying on side. Legs straight inline with hips and shoulder. Head relaxed on shoulder. Create a small space under the waist. Roll the top hip slightly forwards and keep it forwards. Take the top leg up in line with the body at hip height or higher if able and sweep the leg forwards. Exhale: Tap the toe towards the floor without touching Inhale: Raise the leg and sweep it behind the body Exhale: Tap twice behind

Hot PotatoInhale raise the leg in front of body Hot PotatoExhale tap twice towards the floor
Hot PotatoInhale raise the leg behind the body Hot PotatoExhale tap twice towards the floor

9. Bicycle

Works: Buttocks Prepare: Tzoneon, neutral spine. Lying on side. Knees together and bent forwards, heels together inline with hips and shoulder. Head relaxed on shoulder. Create a small space under the waist. Roll the top hip slightly forwards and keep it forwards. Straighten the top leg inline with the body at hip height. Inhale: Bend the knee towards the chest keeping neutral spine Exhale: Straighten the leg out in front of the body, flex the foot and sweep it back in line with the body at hip height

BicycleStarting position BicycleInhale bend the knee
BicycleExhale straighten the knee and flex the foot… Bicycleand sweep leg back inline with body

10. Rectangle

Works: Buttocks Prepare: Tzone on, neutral spine. Lying on side. Knees together and bent forwards, heels together inline with hips and shoulder. Head relaxed on shoulder. Create a small space under the waist. Roll the top hip slightly forwards and keep it forwards. Straighten the top leg inline with the body and sweep it forwards. Exhale: Sweep the leg back then raise it up Inhale: Sweep the leg forwards and lower it completing the rectangle shape

RectangleExhale sweep the leg back… Rectanglethen up high
RectangleInhale sweep the leg forwards… Rectanglethen down

11. Inner Thigh Lift

Works: Adductor muscles Prepare: Tzone, neutral spine, lying on side with the top knee bent forwards and feet flat on the ground. Head resting on shoulder, top hand relaxed resting in front of body. Toes pointed. Exhale: Raise the bottom leg Inhale: Lower the leg slowly but don’t rest it

Inner Thigh Lift Inner Thigh Lift

12. Double Leg Lift (Level 1)

Works: Inner thigh, obliques, quadratus lumborum, Tzone, lumbar spine stabilisers Prepare: Tzone on, neutral spine. Lying on side. Legs straight inline with hips and shoulder. Head relaxed on shoulder. Hips stacked on top of one another. Squeeze legs together and point toes. Exhale: Use the side of the top waist to draw the hips up to the ribs and lift both legs off the ground Inhale: Lower back down

Double Leg Lift (Level 1) Double Leg Lift (Level 1)

13. Double leg lift (Level 2)

Works: Inner thigh, obliques, quadratus lumborum, Tzone, lumbar spine stabilisers Prepare: Tzone on, neutral spine. Lying on side. Legs straight inline with hips and shoulder. Head relaxed on shoulder. Hips stacked on top of one another. Squeeze legs together and point toes. Top arm raised towards the ceiling Exhale: Use the side of the top waist to draw the hips up to the ribs and lift both legs off the ground, and reach with the top hand down the top thigh lifting the head and shoulders Inhale: Lower back down

Double leg lift (Level 2) Double leg lift (Level 2)

14. Double leg lift (Level 3)

Works: Inner thigh, obliques, quadratus lumborum, Tzone, lumbar spine stabilisers Prepare: Tzone on, neutral spine. Holding position in either level 1 or 2. Exhale: Use the side of the top waist to draw the hips up to the ribs and lift both legs off the ground, and either scissor the legs forwards and backwards or beat the bottom leg up and down to meet the top leg Inhale: Lower back downDouble leg lift (Level 3)

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