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Pilates Abdominal Supine Series

Perform your specific Pilates Abdominal Supine Series exercises given to you. The more you do the better you will become. Aim for 10-20 repetition daily You should not feel any pain with these exercises. If pain persists consult your physiotherapist. Great work! You are now on your way to recovery. Please answer the questions on the sheet given by your physiotherapist and bring that to your next treatment session.

1.Lift foot

Works: T-zone and obliques to stabilise the pelvis and spine Prepare: T-zone on, spine imprinted Exhale: Lift one foot just off the ground, keeping pelvis and spine still Inhale: Lower the foot back to the floor Then repeat on the other side

Lift foot Lift foot

2.Leg slides

Works: T-zone and obliques to stabilise the pelvis and spine Prepare: T-zone on, spine imprinted Exhale: Slide one foot along the floor away from the body, keeping pelvis and spine still Inhale: Slide the heel back to start position Then repeat on the other side

Leg slides Leg slides

3.Lift and Extend (Level 1)

Works: T-zone and obliques to stabilise the pelvis and lower back Prepare: T-zone on, spine imprinted Inhale: Lift one foot off the ground, keeping pelvis and spine still Exhale: Extend the leg out straight keeping the foot off the floor, maintain imprint spine Inhale: Bend the leg back in Exhale: Bring foot back to ground Then repeat on the other sideLift and Extend (Level 1)

Lift and Extend (Level 1) Lift and Extend (Level 1)

4.Lift and Extend (Level 2)

Works: T-zone and obliques to stabilise the pelvis and lower back Prepare: T-zone on, spine imprinted, Table Top position Exhale: Extend the leg out straight keeping the foot off the floor, maintain imprint spine Inhale: Bend the leg back in Then repeat on the other side

Lift and Extend (Level 2) Lift and Extend (Level 2)


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5. Single leg circle (Level 1)

Works: T-zone, obliques, hip flexors and adductors for multidirectional pelvic stability Prepare: T-zone on, spine imprinted Inhale: Extend one leg towards the ceiling Exhale: Lower the leg towards the ground Inhale: Circle the leg out to the side and back to the ceiling, keeping spine and pelvis still Then repeat on the other sideSingle leg circle (Level 1)

Single leg circle (Level 1) Single leg circle (Level 1)

6. Single leg circle (Level 2)

Works: T-zone, obliques, hip flexors and adductors for multidirectional pelvic stability Prepare: T-zone on, spine imprinted, Table Top position Inhale: Extend one leg towards the ceiling Exhale: Lower the leg towards the ground Inhale: Circle the leg out to the side and back to the ceiling, keeping spine and pelvis still Then repeat on the other sideSingle leg circle (Level 2)

Single leg circle (Level 2) Single leg circle (Level 2)

7. Toe Taps (Level 1)

Works: All of the abdominal muscles Prepare: T-zone on, spine imprinted, Table Top position Exhale: Lower one leg and tap the toes on the floor, keeping spine and pelvis still Inhale: Return the leg to table top position Then repeat on the other side

Toe Taps (Level 1) Toe Taps (Level 1)

8. Toe Taps (Level 2)

Works: All of the abdominal muscles Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position Exhale: Lower both legs and tap the toes on the floor, keeping spine and pelvis still Inhale: Return both legs to table top position

Toe Taps (Level 2) Toe Taps (Level 2)

9. Pendulum (Level 1)

Works: Strengthens the abdominals, particularly the obliques for spinal mobility and control Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, Squeeze ankles and knees together Inhale: Slowly lower the legs over to one side rotating the spine Exhale: Return the legs back to the centre using the abdominals Then repeat on the other side

Pendulum (Level 1) Pendulum (Level 1)

10. Pendulum (Level 2)

Works: Strengthens the abdominals, particularly the obliques for spinal mobility and control Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, Squeeze ankles and knees together Inhale: Slowly lower the legs over to one side rotating the spine Exhale: Straighten the top leg keeping the knees together, then return the legs back to the centre using the abdominals, then bend the knees to table top position Then repeat on the other side

Pendulum (Level 2) Pendulum (Level 2)

Pendulum (Level 2)


See Pilates Side Lying Series Exercises


11. Pendulum (Level 3)

Works: Strengthens the abdominals, particularly the obliques for spinal mobility and control Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, Squeeze ankles and knees together Inhale: Slowly lower the legs over to one side rotating the spine Exhale: Straighten both legs keeping the knees together, then return the legs back to the centre using the abdominals, then bend the knees to table top position Then repeat on the other side

Pendulum (Level 3) Pendulum (Level 3)
Pendulum (Level 3) Pendulum (Level 3)

Pendulum (Level 3)

12. Pendulum (Level 4)

Works: Strengthens the abdominals, particularly the obliques for spinal mobility and control Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, Squeeze ankles and knees together Inhale: Extend both legs towards the ceiling, then slowly lower the legs over to one side rotating the spine Exhale: Keeping the knees and ankles together return the legs back to the centre using the abdominals Then repeat on the other side

Pendulum (Level 4) Pendulum (Level 4)

13. Abdominal Curls (Level 1)

Works: Strengthens entire abdominals Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted Exhale: Slide the ribs to the hips, curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time off the ground Inhale: Slowly return back down

Abdominal Curls (Level 1) Abdominal Curls (Level 1)

14. Abdominal Curls (Level 2)

Works: Strengthens entire abdominals and lower back Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position Exhale: Slide the ribs to the hips, curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time off the ground Inhale: Slowly return back down

Abdominal Curls (Level 2) Abdominal Curls (Level 2)

15. Abdominal Curls/Bicycle legs (Level 3)

Works: Strengthens entire abdominals to stabilise the pelvis and lower back Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position Exhale:Slide the ribs to the hips, curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time off the ground, extend one leg out while you keep the bent knee still Inhale: Slowly return back down to starting position Then repeat on the other side

Abdominal Curls (Level 3) Abdominal Curls (Level 3)

16. Oblique Curls (Level 1)

Works: Strengthens all abdominals particularly the obliques Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted Exhale: Curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, and rotate the body to one side, drawing one side of the rib towards the opposite hip Inhale: Slowly return back down Then repeat on the other side

Oblique Curls (Level 1) Oblique Curls (Level 1)


See Prone Lying Kneeling Series Exercises


17. Oblique Curls (Level 2)

Works: Strengthens all abdominals particularly the obliques Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position Exhale: Curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, and rotate the body to one side, drawing one side of the rib towards the opposite hip Inhale: Slowly return back down Then repeat on the other side

Oblique Curls (Level 2) Oblique Curls (Level 2)

18. Oblique Curls/Criss-cross (Level 3)

Works: Strengthens all abdominals particularly the obliques to stabilise pelvis and spine Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position Exhale: Curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, and rotate the body to one side, drawing one side of the rib towards the opposite hip. And extend the opposite leg, while you keep the other bent knee still Inhale: Slowly return back down Then repeat on the other side

Oblique Curls/Criss-cross (Level 3) Oblique Curls/Criss-cross (Level 3)

19. Oblique Curls (Level 4)

Works: Strengthens all abdominals particularly the obliques to stabilise pelvis and spine Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, arms reached to the ceiling Exhale: Curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, reach your hands to pass around one bent knee, while rotating the body to the side, drawing one side of the rib towards the opposite hip. Simultaneously extend the opposite leg, while you keep the other bent knee still Inhale: Keeping the body still, draw your arms out to the side Exhale: Draw your arms back around the bent knee, lift and rotate the head and body further Inhale: Slowly return back down to starting position Then repeat on the other sideOblique Curls (Level 4)

Oblique Curls (Level 4) Oblique Curls (Level 4)
Oblique Curls (Level 4) Oblique Curls (Level 4)

20. Hundreds (Level 1)

Works: On abdominal strength and endurance Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, arms reached to the ceiling Exhale: Curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, sweep the hands down by the hips and pulse the arms up and down, inhale for 5 pulses and exhale for 5 pulses until you do 100 pulses/10 breaths

Hundreds (Level 1) Hundreds (Level 1)

21. Hundreds (Level 2)

Works: On abdominal strength and endurance Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, arms reached to the ceiling Exhale: Curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, sweep the hands down by the hips and extend the legs straight up the ceiling and pulse the arms up and down, inhale for 5 pulses and exhale for 5 pulses until you do 100 pulses/10 breaths

Hundreds (Level 2) Hundreds (Level 2)

22.Hundreds (Level 3)

Works: On abdominal strength and endurance Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, arms reached to the ceiling Exhale: Curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, sweep the hands down by the hips and extend the legs straight, turned out and lowered. Pulse the arms up and down, inhale for 5 pulses and exhale for 5 pulses until you do 100 pulses/10 breaths

Hundreds (Level 3) Hundreds (Level 3)

23. Scissors

Works: Abdominals and hip flexors/iliacus Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, arms reached to the ceiling Exhale: Curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, sweep the hands down by the hips and extend the legs straight up the ceiling Inhale: T-zone and imprint harder Exhale: Lower one leg down as far as you can without losing imprint spine Inhale: Return leg back up Exhale: Scissor the other leg Inhale: Return the leg and prepare to swap the legs

Scissors Scissors
Scissors Scissors

24. Beats

Works: Abdominals and inner thigh Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, arms reached to the ceiling Exhale: Curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, sweep the hands down by the hips and extend the legs straight up the ceiling, legs turned out, heels together, feet flexed. Beat the heels together in and out, inhale for 5 beats and exhale for 5 beats until you do 100 beats/10 breaths

Beats Beats

25. Double Leg Lowers

Works: All abdominals particularly the lower abdominals Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, arms reached to the ceiling Exhale: Curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, sweep the hands down by the hips and extend the legs straight up the ceiling, legs turned out, heels together, feet flexed. Inhale: T-zone and imprint harder Exhale:Lower both legs down only as far as you can maintain imprint spine Inhale: Return legs back up

Double Leg Lowers Double Leg Lowers

26. Double Leg Stretch

Works: Entire abdominals Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, arms reached to the ceiling Exhale: Curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, sweep the hands down by the hips and extend the legs straight up the ceiling, legs turned out, heels together, feet flexed. Inhale: T-zone and imprint harder Exhale: Sweep the hands towards the ceiling then circle the arms back around to the hips

Double Leg Stretch Double Leg StretchExhale – curl up
Double Leg StretchInhale – hands to the ceiling Double Leg StretchExhale – sweep arms to the side…
Double Leg Stretchand down past the hips Double Leg StretchInhale – back to start position

27. Helicopter

Works: All abdominals and hip flexors/iliacus Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, arms reached to the ceiling Exhale: Curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, sweep the hands down by the hips and extend the legs straight up the ceiling Inhale: T-zone and imprint harder HUFF: Lower one leg down as far as you can without losing imprint spine HUFF: Swap and scissor the other leg down Inhale: Circle the leg around to swap the scissor position

Helicopter HelicopterHuff – scissor
HelicopterHuff – swap scissor HelicopterInhale circle leg out…
Helicopterand around… Helicopterto swap the scissor position

28. Roll Back (Level 1)

Works: Abdominal strength into flexion Prepare: Sitting up tall with legs straight out on floor in front, neutral spine, arms reaching forwards at shoulder height, shoulders down and back Exhale: Sink backwards and tuck the pubic bone towards the belly button, rolling the spine backwards to the floor one vertebrae at a time until lying flat with arms to the ceiling Inhale: T-zone Exhale: Tuck the chin to chest, roll back up using the abdominals, lifting one vertebrae up at a timeRoll Back (Level 1)

Roll Back (Level 1) Roll Back (Level 1)
Roll Back (Level 1) Roll Back (Level 1)

29. Half Roll Back (Level 2)

Works: Abdominal strength into flexion Prepare: Sitting up tall with legs straight out on floor in front, neutral spine, arms reaching forwards at shoulder height, shoulders down and back Exhale: Sink backwards rolling the spine half way down the floor Inhale: T-zone harder Exhale: Roll back up using the abdominals, lifting one vertebrae up at a time

Half Roll Back (Level 2) Half Roll Back (Level 2)

30. Half Roll Back plus rotation (Level 3)

Works: Abdominal strength into flexion and rotation, particularly the obliques Prepare: Sitting up tall with legs straight out on floor in front, neutral spine, arms reaching forwards at shoulder height, shoulders down and back Exhale: Sink backwards rolling the spine half way down the floor, rotate the body, arms straight out in front of chest Inhale: Rotate spine back to centre Exhale: Roll back up using the abdominals, lifting one vertebrae up at a time

Half Roll Back plus rotation (Level 3) Half Roll Back plus rotation (Level 3)
Half Roll Back plus rotation (Level 3)

31. Teaser (Level 1)

Works: Abdominals, spinal articulation, hip flexors Prepare: T-zone on, spine imprinted, knees bent feet squeezed together, hands to the ceiling, feet on floor Exhale: Tuck chin in, curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, until sitting tall with neutral spine, hands out in line with shoulder Inhale: T-zone harder Exhale: Sink backwards and tuck the pubic bone towards the belly button, rolling the spine backwards to the floor one vertebrae at a time until lying flat with arms to the ceilingTeaser (Level 1)

Teaser (Level 1) Teaser (Level 1)

32. Teaser (Level 2)

Works: Abdominals, spinal articulation, hip flexors Prepare: T-zone on, spine imprinted, knees bent feet squeezed together, hands to the ceiling, feet on floor Exhale: Tuck chin in, curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, until sitting tall with neutral spine, hands out in line with shoulder, lift legs off ground Inhale: T-zone harder Exhale: Return feet to floor, sink backwards and tuck the pubic bone towards the belly button, rolling the spine backwards to the floor one vertebrae at a time until lying flat with arms to the ceiling

Teaser (Level 2) Teaser (Level 2)
Teaser (Level 2) Teaser (Level 2)

33. Teaser (Level 3)

Works: Abdominals, spinal articulation, hip flexors Prepare: T-zone on, spine imprinted, knees bent feet squeezed together in table top position, hands to the ceiling Exhale: Tuck chin in, curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, until sitting tall with neutral spine, hands out in line with shoulder, simultaneously extend the legs straight Inhale: T-zone harder Exhale: Return legs to table top position, sink backwards and tuck the pubic bone towards the belly button, rolling the spine backwards to the floor one vertebrae at a time until lying flat with arms to the ceiling

Teaser (Level 3) Teaser (Level 3)

Teaser (Level 3)

34. Teaser (Level 4)

Works: Abdominals, spinal articulation, hip flexors Prepare: T-zone on, spine imprinted, legs extended straight, arms extended overhead Exhale: Tuck chin in, curling up the head and shoulders one vertebrae up at a time, until sitting tall with neutral spine, simultaneously extend the legs up, squeeze knees together, so the body and legs make a ‘V’ shape, hands out in line with shoulder Inhale: T-zone harder, sit tall, raise arms overhead Exhale: Sink backwards and tuck the pubic bone towards the belly button, rolling the spine backwards to the floor one vertebrae at a time, simultaneously lower the legs to the mat, arms overhead on the mat

Teaser (Level 4) Teaser (Level 4)
Teaser (Level 4) Teaser (Level 4)

35. Roll Over

Works: Abdominal strength and control, and spinal flexion mobility Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, Table Top position, hands resting by the side palms down Inhale: Extend legs straight to 45 degrees feet pointed, take legs up towards ceiling Exhale: Roll legs over the body, curling up one vertebrae at a time, touch the toes to the mat above the head Inhale: Lift legs to horizontal, feet flexed and shoulder width apart Exhale: Roll back down one vertebrae at a time taking the legs as low as you can maintaining control

Roll Over Roll Over
Roll Over Roll Over

36. Jack Knife

Works: Abdominal strength and control, and spinal flexion mobility Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, extend legs to 45 degrees feet pointed and legs parallel, hands resting by the side palms down Inhale: Take legs up towards ceiling Exhale: Roll legs over the body, curling up one vertebrae at a time, legs come to horizontal Inhale: Engage the buttocks and hamstrings and raise the legs to vertical going right up onto the shoulders Exhale: Roll back down one vertebrae at a time taking the legs as low as you can maintaining control

Jack KnifeStart positionJack KnifeExhale roll the sine up and take the legs horizontal Jack KnifeExhale roll down… Jack KnifeInhale legs to ceiling Jack KnifeInhale raise the legs verticalJack Knifeand lower legs

37. Corkscrew

Works: Abdominal strength and control, and spinal flexion mobility Prepare: T-zone on, Spine imprinted, extend legs to 45 degrees feet pointed and legs parallel, hands resting by the side palms down Exhale: Roll legs over the body, curling up one vertebrae at a time, legs come to horizontal Inhale: Take the legs slightly to one side Exhale: Roll down on the side of the spine, lower the legs, then circle them over to the other side and roll up one vertebrae at a time on the other side of the spine, taking the legs back up over the body to horizontal Inhale: T-zone harder, take the legs back to the side you just rolled up on Exhale: Then circle the legs down and around in the other direction and roll up one vertebrae at a time on the other side, taking the legs back up over the body to horizontal

CorkscrewPrepare to start… CorkscrewExhale roll over legs horizontal
CorkscrewInhale take the legs to one side CorkscrewExhale roll the spine back down and lower legs…
CorkscrewOver to other side… Corkscrewand roll back up Corkscrewlegs horizontal in center

38. Controls Front

Works: Abdominal, shoulder and scapular stability and strength, buttock activation Prepare: On the hands and feet in full pushup position, arms straight and hands directly under the shoulders.T-zone on, body straight with no arch or dip in the back, eyes to the floor Exhale: Lift one leg as high as you can, maintaining neutral spine Inhale: Lower the leg Exhale: Lift the other leg as high as you can, maintaining neutral spine Inhale: Lower the legControls Front

39. Star

Works: Latissimus dorsi, arm and shoulder stabilisers Prepare: On the side placing the underneath hand directly under the shoulder. Elbow of the supporting arm unlocked, both legs slightly bent, underneath leg rested on the ground. Top foot in front of the underneath one, sole of the top foot on the floor, top hand in front of the stomach Inhale: Raise the body and hips up off the ground, body in one straight line, arm reaching straight up towards the ceiling Exhale: Stretch the top arm over head towards the floor, raising the hips and waist up as high as possible Inhale: Lower the pelvis, bending the knees taking the hand back in front of the stomach

Star Star Star

40. Star Twist

Works: Latissimus dorsi, arm and shoulder stabilisers, abdominal and obliques Prepare: On the side placing the underneath hand directly under the shoulder. Elbow of the supporting arm unlocked, both legs slightly bent, underneath leg rested on the ground. Top foot in front of the underneath one, sole of the top foot on the floor, top hand in front of the stomach Inhale: Raise the body and hips up off the ground, body in one straight line, arm reaching straight up towards the ceiling Exhale: Leading from the head flex the spine and contract the abdominals and rotate the torso taking the upper arm through underneath the body Inhale: Rotate back to vertical reaching the arm back to the ceiling Exhale: Slowly lower the hips back down the floor bending.

Star Twist Star Twist
Star Twist Star Twist

41. Pelvic Curl (Level 1)

Works: Buttocks, hamstring and abdominal strength and control Prepare: T-zone on, knees bent, feet hip distance apart, arms resting by side Inhale: Squeeze buttocks Exhale: Tuck the bottom under and roll the pelvis and spine off the mat one vertebrae at a time, starting with the tailbone, then the lower back and maintain neutral spine at the top Inhale: Hold the hips up, squeezing the buttocks Exhale: Roll back down one vertebrae at a time

Pelvic curl (Level 1)Inhale to prepare Pelvic curl (Level 1)Exhale and roll up
Pelvic curl (Level 1)Inhale and hold Pelvic curl (Level 1)Exhale and roll down

Pelvic curl (Level 1)

Inhale to prepare

42. Pelvic Curl (Level 2)

Works: Buttocks, hamstring and abdominal strength and control Prepare: T-zone on, knees bent, feet hip distance apart, arms resting by side Inhale: Squeeze buttocks Exhale: Tuck the bottom under and roll the pelvis and spine off the mat one vertebrae at a time, starting with the tailbone, then the lower back and maintain neutral spine at the top. Open the knees out wide, squeezing the buttocks and keeping the hips up Inhale: Bring the knees back to hip distance apart Exhale: Roll back down one vertebrae at a time

Pelvic curl (Level 2)Inhale to prepare Pelvic curl (Level 2)Exhale and roll up
Pelvic curl (Level 2)Inhale and hold and open knees out wide Pelvic curl (Level 2)Exhale and roll down

Pelvic curl (Level 2)

Inhale to prepare

43. Pelvic Curl (Level 3)

Works: Buttocks, hamstring and abdominal strength and control Prepare: T-zone on, knees bent, feet hip distance apart, arms resting by side Inhale: Squeeze buttocks Exhale: Tuck the bottom under and roll the pelvis and spine off the mat one vertebrae at a time, starting with the tailbone, then the lower back and maintain neutral spine at the top Inhale: Squeeze the buttocks Exhale:lift one foot, and extend towards the ceiling. Squeeze your buttocks and keep hips up high Inhale: return the foot to the floor Exhale: Lift the other foot

Pelvic curl (Level 3)Inhale to prepare Pelvic curl (Level 3)Exhale and roll up
Pelvic curl (Level 3)Inhale and hold Pelvic curl (Level 3)Exhale raise leg, then inhale to lower
Pelvic curl (Level 3)Exhale and roll down Pelvic curl (Level 3)Inhale to prepare

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