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Within the TMJ is a disc-like structure of fibrous tissue that acts as a cushion between the upper and lower jaw bones. This disc should move smoothly as the jaw opens and closes. TMJ Internal Derangement, also known as TMJ disc displacement, is a condition that impacts the alignment and movement of the structures within the TMJ.

This disorder causes abnormal positioning or motion of the articular disc that cushions the joint, leading to various symptoms and discomfort. For example, every time the disc displaces, you may hear a clicking sound in the jaw.

There are two main types of TMJ Internal Derangement:

  • Anterior Disc Displacement: the articular disc shifts forward to the condyle (the rounded end of the lower jaw bone), causing it to become stuck in the front of the joint.
  • Posterior Disc Displacement: the articular disc shifts backward to the condyle, causing it to get stuck in the back of the joint.

Regardless of which type you suffer from, our dedicated TMJ specialist, Matthew Jones, can work with you to reduce the pain and help you live a happier, healthier life once again.

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