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What is Golfer’s Elbow?

While often regarded as a simple hinge joint, the elbow is anything but that. The Elbow consists of three bones, that perform a variety of functions, such as allowing the elbow to bend, and allowing the wrist to rotate. They also protect the nerves that travel down your arm, and operate as attachment sites for the 16 muscles that cross the elbow joint. One of these attachment points, the Medial Epicondyle, is the attachment site of many of the wrist and finger flexors (the muscles that curl your fingers and wrist), and the site of pain for Golfer’s Elbow, clinically known as Medial Epicondylalgia (often incorrectly labelled at Medial

What caused my Golfer’s Elbow?

Medial Epicondylalgia usually results from sudden increase in activity or overuse of the flexor muscles of the wrist and fingers, but may also have a progressive onset, where it worsens over time with no obvious cause. Other causes may include an imbalance between the Flexors of the wrist and fingers (the muscles that pull the wrist and fingers forwards) and the extensors, causing the extensors to work harder to resist the flexors. The most common muscle involved is the Flexor Carpi Radialis, but other muscles may also be involved.

Can you treat my Golfer’s Elbow?

Your physiotherapist will perform a thorough examination of your elbow and the surrounding joints in order to fully understand how your Golfers Elbow is affecting you and your life. With this information they will be able to create a personalised program to treat your Golfer’s Elbow. Typically, this will involve manual therapy techniques designed to decrease your pain levels and return your elbow to full mobility. Your treatment plan will also include exercises to help your treatment as well as rehabilitate you back to full function and prevent any future recurrences.

What should I do to avoid aggravating my Golfer’s Elbow?

  • AVOID activities that aggravate your pain
  • AVOID generic strengthening activities such as bicep curls and wrist curls, until advised that they are safe to do so
  • REMAIN ACTIVE, with comfortable, pain free movements
  • For RELIEF, applying ice to the area may help to reduce some pain and inflammation.
  • RECEIVE physiotherapy care to get your joints, ligaments and muscles performing to their optimum level

Keep good care of your body and your physiotherapist will continue to monitor your condition. Once your Golfer’s Elbow has resolved you will be able to resume your full activities without worrying about future flare-ups.

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